Estimate Request
Packing Material
Packing Ideas
Day Countdown
Stages of Packing
Terminology of Packers
Estimate Request
Let us give you a free estimate - Here and Now.
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My Address is
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Estimated Weight in KG
Estamited Volume in CF
If you are not sure about the volume of your house hold goods click here...
Thank you for the opportunity to give you a free instant estimate suitable and convenient for you based on your own survey of your belongings. Please provide us with the necessary information below to help us to estimate your move. 

Smart Move...
Please specify your desired time and date of move, with a specified month and days. 

There are four main types of moving activities on the local move. Your move should fall into one of these. Please fill form accordingly 
Handling ----- Only Labor for handling.
Moving ---- Only Rental of L.C.V. 
Handling & Movement ----- Involves packing in cartons only and no furniture are packed. This involves manpower for handling and Transportation by open vehicles. It is not guaranteed move, as there could be scratches/damages to the furniture 
Complete Move ----- Involves complete packing including wardrobe cartons for clothes. Any damage/loss is guaranteed. This move needs 2 to 3 days to complete
WeekDays      Months      Dates 
Type of vehicle needed 
Type of Freight Service 


Please contact our Webmaster with questions or comments. 
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